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The Dusto™2021-02-09T13:50:56+00:00

The Dusto™, One of it’s kind of Touch-less Dustbin

We relentlessly pursue the most accurate valuation of our partners’ assets through leading-edge, highly-detailed methodologies combined with unmatched, real-world experience.

Foxhog has brought you the most innovative touch less Dustbin works with Artificial Intelligence, helping you for greener society.

Key Features 

  • Senses your body fragrance 
  • Senses your body movement
  • Fully Touch less
  • Auto garbage disposition

For any trade query please email us to [email protected]

Regd. Corp. Office

Suite No. 30 B, 3rd Avenue, Stanford California USA 94301

Phone: +1-209-691-3160

Web: https://foxhogventures.in

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