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Modern Slavery Statement2021-02-09T15:07:52+00:00

Modern Slavery Statement


Modern Slavery covers harassment through forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking in the supply chains of businesses. This Statement is made by “Foxhog Ventures Corp.”, and its subsidiary entities in United Kingdom/USA/ INDIA pursuant to Section 54 (1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, and Section 3 of the Australia Modern Slavery Act, 2018, for the year ending 31 March 2020.

We are committed to uphold human rights and the steps we have undertaken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not operate within our business or our supply chain. OUR BUSINESS Foxhog is a global leader in next-generation Financial Solution.

We enable clients in 6countries to navigate their Financial transformation. Our vision to earn the respect of our stakeholders continues to inspire our endeavors. Our values, referred to collectively as C-LIFE include Client Value; Leadership by Example; Integrity and Transparency; Fairness and Excellence, and these values guide our actions. As a responsible business we believe that success includes embracing actions across all three dimensions of sustainable performance viz., environmental, social and economic. Our Annual Reports and Sustainability Reports on foxhogventures.in  provide more information on our sustainable business performance. Also visit Foxhogventures.in/about to gain a deeper insight into our social and environmental sustainability initiatives.

OUR SUPPLY CHAIN We have classified our suppliers into three major categories: i.

Suppliers of People: This covers our contractors who work on our campuses/client projects and support our business. ii. Supplier of Services: This covers our partners who provide essential services (such as catering, food and beverage counters, transportation, construction etc.) on our campuses. iii. Supplier of Products: This covers our partners who supply products (such as IT hardware, software, electrical / electronic equipment, furniture, heavy equipment, stationery etc.) to us.

POLICIES AND PROCESSES We are signatories to the United Nations Global Compact and uphold these principles in our business and in the wider supply chain. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics and Supplier Code of Conduct which are available on our corporate website foxhogventures.in  lay down the expectations that we have from our employees and suppliers in the conduct of business activities globally.

Regd. Corp. Office

Suite No. 30 B, 3rd Avenue, Stanford California USA 94301

Phone: +1-209-691-3160

Web: https://foxhogventures.in

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