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Foxhog Common Entrance Test2022-10-03T20:09:10+00:00

Are you crazy ?  then you are at right place. Let’s dream bigger.

Foxhog Conducts a common Entrance Test , for all of it’s openings.


अब राजा का बेटा राजा नहीं बनेगा राजा वो ही बनेगा जो हकदार होगा .


Important Terms and Conditions for FCET.

  • For any opening/posts/designation/vacancy Candidate has to qualify FCET ( Foxhog Common Entrance Test) conducted by Company Foxhog Ventures Corp.
  • Company will conduct a personal interview, only for those who qualifies FCET.
  • Result of FCET will be fair and can be shared to the candidate and clarification will be available in case if required.

Please proceed if you are agreed with the terms and conditions.

Click Here to Proceed



Regd. Corp. Office

Suite No. 30 B, 3rd Avenue, Stanford California USA 94301

Phone: +1-209-691-3160

Web: https://foxhogventures.in

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