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Fortune India Features Foxhog Founder


Foxhog founder Tarun Poddar is the new game changer of VC industry in India Foxhog founder Tarun Poddar is the new game changer of VC industry in India Read More https://www.fortuneindia.com/enterprise/foxhog-founder-tarun-poddar-is-the-new-game-changer-of-vc-industry-in-india/106205  It is very difficult for startups to raise funds and it’s rare to see funds coming for the startups in rural areas of the nation. In the time of unicorns and IPOs, rural startups are still suffering for funds even when many Hedge funds have also been announced by the Government. Bridging the gap, Stanford Graduate and Foxhog Founder Tarun Poddar left no stone unturned to enable rural startups to [...]

Fortune India Features Foxhog Founder2021-11-30T09:33:22+00:00

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